For almost 200 years artists have focused on the landscape of Mount Monadnock as a subject for the canvases. For these artists, Monadnock has been a source of inspiration for their art. For some artists, the mountain may have inspired a single painting; for some, it was one of many subjects on which they focused, and for a few, such as William Preston Phelps, it was their main subject and source of inspiration. This exhibit will share the art of painters, the words of authors, the sound of music, and much more. It will explore the lives of the artists and what their work tells us about the mountain, the region, and the artists themselves.
Exhibit hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9 am – 4 pm
Wednesday: 9 am – 8 pm
1st & 3rd Saturday of the month: 9 am – noon
Closed Sunday and Monday
Click box below to see list of featured artists
Featured artists
Jarest, Dorinda
Kathan, Faith
Kent, Rockwell
King, Wallace
Koepel, Eric
Lewis, Paul
Luce, Molly
Mason, Charles
Meryman, Richard Sumner
Miller, Randy
Phelps, John E.
Phelps, William Preston
Postrech, Gary
Quigley, Albert
Rice, Henry Webster
Sagendorph, Beatrix
Sisson, Frederick
Thayer, Abbott Handerson
Thibeault, Danny
Thieme, Jenanne
Traynor, John
Tremblay, Art
Unwin, Nora
Whitney, Richard
Unidentified (Edward Hill?)
Exhibit Sponsors