Resources: Agriculture
Keene’s Early Neighbors
Grades: 3-4. Lesson/Story. Introduce students to some of Keene's real 18th and 19th century residents. Keene's Early Neighbors is a 2-part pdf, with biographies matching the city's 3rd grade program Keene Comes Alive. Written by: Horatio Colony House Museum director...
The Farmer is the Man
High School. Film. The Farmer is the Man. Available on DVD or Vimeo. The Farmer is the Man documents the joys, challenges and viability of farming in the Monadnock region of New Hampshire in the mid-to-late 20th century. While it is clear that farmers wish to...
Agriculture in Cheshire County
An online presentation on the history of agriculture in Cheshire County, New Hampshire from pre-colonial days into the 21st century. Based on an onsite exhibit at the Historical Society of Cheshire County in 2017.