Resources: Identity & Race

History of the Jewish Community

High School. From Peddlers to Shopkeepers to Professionals:A History of the Jewish Community in Cheshire County.  The story of Jewish immigrants to Cheshire County, New Hampshire, at the turn of the 20th century.  Learn about Jewish presence in our communities and...

Meet Elizabeth: a 20th Century Abenaki Story

Grades: K-3.  In this 7-page booklet, students learn about a local Abenaki family's story.  Elizabeth Sadoques grew up in Keene, NH, as a child in the early 1900s. Her story is multi-generational and linked to her family's culture.  Questions at the end test students'...

Western Abenakis, the Sadoques Family

Middle School & High School.  Primary source packet.  Contains historic photographs representing four generations of the Sadoques family of Keene.  Students will note an Abenaki presence in the Connecticut River Valley region that persists today. Each photograph...

Lost Boundaries

The story of fair-skinned African American family, the Carters who move to Keenham, New Hampshire.  Parents Scott and Marsha decide to 'pass' as white and lead a successful life in town until World War II when an investigation reveals the family's black heritage. ...

Here I Am, Send Me

Middle School, High School. Film. Available on DVD or via Vimeo In the spring of 1965, Jonathan Myrick Daniels, a twenty-six year old student at an Episcopal seminary became one of the many young Americans who answered the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr's call to help...