Resources: Field Trips

Learn About the Past with Walldog Murals

Grades K-2. Mini Unit. This unit introduces students to artifacts and how they can be used to tell stories about the past.  The Walldogs murals will be the focus of study.  Students will be able to demonstrate how artifacts tell stories by bringing in an artifact from...

Railroads and Economics

Grades 3-5. Mini Unit. This unit of study focuses on the economic impact of the railroad. Students learn about local and national history of the railroad and how it fundamentally changed the way business was conducted. They learn essential vocabulary and develop...

Walldogs Murals: Teaching Us History Using Artifacts

Grades 3-5. Mini Unit. This unit deepens students' understanding of the role that local history played in developing the city of Keene's Walldogs murals. It can also be used to introduce local artifacts/primary sources to upper elementary students.  Students will...